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Monday, December 17, 2018

what is capacitor?

what is capacitor?

                                         a capacitor is an electrical device that stores electricity. Its form is usually in the shape of a can. It can be tiny, as on a printed circuit board, or large like in a big car audio system. Inside a capacitor is like aluminum foil with a jelly spread evenly all over one side. Then it is rolled tightly. Electricity moves from one side of the foil to the other side through the jelly stuff. Once charged up it can hold electricity for quite some time.


1) In Signal processing, a capacitor is simply work as a filter with a resistor. A capacitor blocks DC but pass AC or block low frequency signal and pass high frequency signal. A Capacitor work both work as both low pass or high pass filter according to it's configuration.

2)  It helps motor to give approximately constant voltage and prevent the motor coil damage if supply voltage fluctuates. 

3) To pass certain frequency a capacitor with a inductor works as resonant circuit.

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